My world of Lenormand-Cards  ★Lenormand Cards - Medial Diagnostics★
09. Februar 2024
This book is intended to serve as an inspiration for those seeking to break free from the entrenched pathways of interpretation. For individuals looking to expand their consciousness and place increasing trust in their own intuition and connection rather than adhering strictly to old standards and rules that no longer entirely align with the current zeitgeist and our level of consciousness. We can glean so much more from the cards than what is commonly attributed to them.

09. Februar 2024
This book from messages of transpersonal sources aims to encourage you to expand your consciousness, to be amazed by the true causes of certain issues and problems. It is designed to offer insight into the infinite abundance and understanding achievable through channeling

Fears, Anxiety & Panic Attacks
20. Mai 2023
People with anxiety need to allow themselves to live unconventionally and do unconventional things, no matter what the environment says, provided it helps them to relax and feel safer. NO MATTER WHAT IT IS! So allow yourself to do what helps you to feel safe, secure and at home, whatever it takes. As long as you are not psychologically or physically harming or limiting other living beings,

Ängste, Angstzustände und Panikattacken
16. November 2022
Wichtiges Werkzeug für reife und alte Seelen, die ganz anders mit ihren Ängsten umgehen müssen als dies die meisten Menschen in ihrem jungseelengeprägten Umfeld und die meisten Therapeuten in diesem Feld ihnen vorschreiben.

Seelenbotschaften für reife und alte Seelen
02. November 2022
Channelingbotschaften für reife und alte Seelen, die einen tieferen Blick auf Themen und Problematiken werfen möchten und ganz andere Lösungsansätze zu Problemen und Fragen des alltäglichen Lebens.

Meine Welt der Lenormand-Karten Mediale Diagnostik
14. August 2022
Meine ganz eigene Art des Karten legens.....viel Spaß